If you have read, fully understand and agree with our Waiver and T&C's, please continue with your booking here:
Please read carefully before booking into a class
1. I acknowledge that the purpose of the recreational activity is for my benefit and for the benefit of those people attending with me and that at all times I am responsible for my own actions and the actions of those other people in my care and control. I also acknowledge that certain risks of injury are inherent in participation in circus skills, gymnastics, obstacle course training and Pilates including Barre. I am aware that circus arts, stunts, obstacle courses, gymnastics, dance, Pilates and Barre and all associated activities (“Activities”) contain inherent risks and dangers that no amount of care, caution, instruction, or expertise can eliminate, and I am voluntarily participating in these activities. I understand that the dangers and risks of participating in these activities include, but are not limited to, serious physical injury, long-term disability, death, fractures, sprains and strains among others. These types of injuries may be minor or serious and may result from one’s own actions, or the actions or inaction’s of others, or a combination of both.
2.I understand that choosing to participate in these Activities is entirely at my own risk.I am informed that an experienced instructor must be present at all times while I engage in these activities. Should I decide to participate in these Activities, I am advised to wear appropriate clothing, to arrive dry and lotion free to the Activities, and to be in a right state of mind prior to participating in these Activities. I acknowledge that I should not use the equipment/apparatus/obstacle/device (“Equipment”) unless I have received a thorough briefing by a qualified instructor. I understand that these rules and regulations are designed for the safety and protection of participants and agree to abide by these rules and regulations.
3. I understand that the choice to participate brings with it the assumption of these risks, which are part of these Activities. I personally assume all risks with the Activities and the Equipment for any harm, injury, or damage that may happen to me as a result of my participation in the Activities or use of the Equipment, whether foreseen or unforeseen.
4. I understand I am waiving and releasing any claims which I may have against Adica Arts Pty Ltd, Bullarto Primary School or any other venue where Adica Arts may hold Activities, their owners and employees from and against all liability for bodily injury, property damage or loss, and wrongful death, arising from my participation in these activities that I wish to engage in, whether caused by their fault, negligence, breach of contract of warranty or otherwise.
5. I have read this form and fully understand that the Activities are potentially dangerous and that by continuing with this booking I am waiving legal rights that I have.I understand that I waive my rights to sue Adica Arts Pty Ltd for losses relating to my and the other people in my care and control personal injury or death that result from any negligence caused by Adica Arts Pty Ltd. I further certify that as the willing participant or participants parent/guardian I am 18 years of age or older.